iMAGE28 was established by Daniel Wong in 1995.
We offer clients with all-round multimedia services, and strive for the best in aspects of media production covering photography, videography, visual media, as well as advertising and design.
Director : Daniel Wong +852 9200 7980
中國各省-香港特區,澳門,台灣:-- 歡迎預約
1401, Harvest Building, 29-35 Wing Kut Street, Central, HK
公司秘書: 誠意為你安排拍攝流程及聯絡統籌, 直線電話及WhatsApp,Tel: 852- 6690 0865 電郵:
版权© 2025 iMAGE28 / iMAGE28Limited -保留所有权利。